I’ve heard the saying that its really heard to have faith when you’re sick. This past week I have experienced sickness, and I have to agree with that saying.
Im not sure if it was a lack of sleep or a lack of food that my body was used to, or my Malaria pills, but i was sick nonetheless. I thought i would get better soon, but after a whole day of driving, and vomiting constantly, i figured that i would be sick for a while yet. It was hard to understand though, because my whole team was praying constantly for my healing; but i didn’t get better, i got worse. I struggled knowing that God could heal ( to equipp me better for his ministry), and understanding that His will be done, and not mine. Satan tried as much as he could to discourage me in any way possible. I looked to my Father in Heaven for every second of the day, but the Enemy used my physical sickness to try to get me to be as useless on the missions feild as he could.
Thank God that He is my strong tower! Through the prayers of my team, and im sure all the ones that were send to Heaven from home, Im on the way to recovery. This time however, i can see the Father’s purpose for sending me this way, and i KNOW that through Him amazing things will be done for his Kingdom.